The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is accelerating its effort in going global. Both the Faculty of Business and the International Affairs Office of PolyU have separately organized 2 events for the promotion of Canada.


"Ice Hockey for fun"

Ice hockey is a popular game in the colder regions of the world, is a fast-paced physical sport and an adrenaline pumping game. This sport has a history of over 30 years in Hong Kong. In the early days it was a sport within the expatriate circle, mainly among Canadians and Americans, which is fast gaining momentum in popularity in Hong Kong nowadays.

PolyU International Affairs Office has invited the Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club (HKAHC) and Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, presented the event named “Ice Hockey for fun”, aimed to introduce more and to let students having a chance to experience the ice hockey. The event has been successfully completed in Mega Ice on 29th March.

In the evening, the HKAIH General Manager(Coach)Mr. Barry Beck and Mr. Antoine Devolz, the director of Penguins Hockey Club, had introduced basics of ice hockey to the participants. All the students, staffs and alumni from PolyU enjoyed and experienced this exhilarating sport by watching an ice hockey game live.

After the event, most of the participants shown their high interest to explore more in ice hockey, HKAHC will keep contact with those students for further development in terms of providing more activities and support to them continuously.



為讓學生能夠進一步接觸冰球這運動,香港理工大學的國際事務處邀請了香港業餘冰球會及香港加拿大商會合辦一個名為 “Ice Hockey for fun”活動,而活動已在本月二十九號於九龍灣Mega Ice完滿結束。

當晚,參與的理大學生、職員及校友除了有機會觀賞現場賽事,親身感受冰球運動帶來的刺激,更有來自香港冰球訓練學校的總經理(教練)包比利先生(Barry Beck)及來至Penguins Hockey Club的理事Antonie Devolz現場講解及評述賽事,讓同學與老師更進一步了解冰球運動。




"Canadian Night "

On February 25th, PolyU held the first event the Canadian Night in Theatre Lounge. Students had a chance to explore how Canadian culture influences business and consider the role of different economic, political, and inter-cultural business communication. The Faculty of Business invited Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey (the Academy) and The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong to share their professionalism.

In the occasion, Mr. Barry Beck & Mr. Kyle Simms from the Academy discussed the hockey cultures in Canada and Hong Kong. During the night there are opportunities to mingle and interact with the students and members of the faculty present.

於二月二十五號晚在香港理工大學鐘士元樓地下演講廳舉行,名為 “Canadian Night“ 的分享晚宴。由香港理工大學工商管理學院主辦,邀請了香港冰球訓練學校及香港加拿大商會的代表到來分享他們的感受和見解。學生透過這次活動不但探討了加拿大文化對社會及商界的影響,亦加深了解加拿大人在不同的領域,包括經濟、政治、本土文化交流所扮演的角色。

當晚,來自香港冰球訓練學校的Mr. Barry Beck 及Mr. Kyle Simms 與在場學生分享了香港及加拿大的冰球文化。事實上,冰球在香港已經有超過三十年的歷史,由於並非主流運動,早期主要都是流行於加拿大人及美國人圈子。直至近年,冰球已變得普及,更多本地人都愛上了這個由外地傳入的運動。

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