An ice hockey team from Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club (HKAHC) attended the 2006 China-Harbin Amateur Ice Hockey Open Tournament from 6 to 9 January 2006. international amateur ice hockey tournament in Harbin. The Tournament is one of the activities of the 22 nd Harbin International Ice Festival, an annual major event in China.

The 19-strong team led by HKAHC chairman Thomas Wu played tournament and friendly matches against four major cities in northeastern China including Beijing. Team members took time to visit the popular Harbin's World of Ice and Snow, a major tourist attraction. They all enjoyed the event.

HKAHC would like to thank all those who had helped to form the team within a short time. This cannot be done without their support! Thank you very, very much!!

本會冰球隊出戰 2006 哈爾濱國際冰雪節公開賽

香港業餘冰球會應邀派隊前往哈爾濱參加於本月六日至九日在該巿舉辦的業餘冰球公開賽。這次的比賽是第二十二屆中國哈爾濱國際冰雪節的主要活動之一。公開賽是由哈爾濱巿體育總會主辦, 哈爾濱巿冰球協會及哈爾濱巿前, 冰球俱樂部承辦 ; 參賽隊伍分別來自北京, 長春, 沈陽, 香港和主辦的哈爾濱巿。

本港參賽的冰球隊共十九人, 由香港業餘冰球會主席胡文新和理事潘嘉華帶領。胡主席說 : 「香港業餘冰球員的公開 賽經驗較淺, 今次有機會出外作 賽, 與實力較強的中國隊伍互相切磋及學習, 獲益不少 ; 此外, 這次參賽還可以增進香港與內地之間業餘冰球愛好者的友誼。」

他非常感謝主辦機構熱情接待和妥善安排。球隊在賽事以外, 還暢遊了國際著名的哈爾濱冰雪大世界, 大開眼界 。

胡主席續說 : 「 香港業餘冰球會將繼續努力推動本港的冰球運動和提高港人對冰球的興趣, 希望各界人士鼎力支持。 」

香港業餘冰球會哈爾濱 之旅的圖片己掛在網上供大家觀賞 。